What does being thankful mean to you?

Photo by Pro Church Media

To me, it is appreciating what you have rather that what you have not. It is, enjoying what arrives daily rather than stressing over the “what if’s” of life. Some may call it faith, others might find it divine. I call it Thankful.

I am thankful for my family and the support they have given through the years. It is because of them that I have so much drive.

I am thankful for my friends.  You know, those close friends you can count on when you need them most. Yeah, those guys.  You know who you are.

I am thankful for the opportunity to tell stories of the Klamath Basin. Stories of business, success, and family.

I am thankful for the sponsors that have decided to join me on this journey and encourage me in what I am doing together with KFN.

I am thankful for the opportunity to support my family through what I am doing here at Klamath Falls News.

I am thankful for Daniel Webster (former publisher of KFN) in handing me the reigns of Klamath Falls News and giving the opportunity to grow KFN into what it can be.

I am MOST thankful for you, the audience of Klamath Falls News, in your desire to read stories and watch videos. Without you, there would not be Klamath Falls News.

Thank you, for following along on this journey.

Thank you for reading the stories.

Thank you for watching the LIVE Broadcasts.

Thank you for engaging in the content.

Thank you for entering the contests.

Together we will rise and prosper in the basin we all so love and enjoy.

I have great plans for the future of Klamath Falls News, but it all starts with you our loyal friends and fan base. 

It is with great gratitude that I give each-and-every one of you a tip of the hat, a nod of the head and a gesture of thanks. Because without you, there is no Klamath Falls News. THANK YOU!

May your Thanksgiving be filled with Family, Friends, Laughter and Joy. From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.

Brian Gailey
Klamath Falls News

*yeah it is all a one man show.