Gov. Brown Calls for a health and safe Labor Day weekend, end to violence in Portland [VIDEO]

Gov. Brown Calls for a health and safe Labor Day weekend, end to violence in Portland [VIDEO]

PORTLAND, Ore. - Governor Kate Brown today called on Oregonians to do their part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 over the holiday weekend, in order to keep Oregon on the path to reopening more schools for in-person instruction and keeping businesses open. She noted that previous holiday weekends have caused COVID-19 numbers to spike, urging Oregonians to stay local and avoid large gatherings that could spread the disease.

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Op-Ed: Another Kind of Violence

Op-Ed: Another Kind of Violence

Op-Ed Commentary by, E. Werner Reschke, State Representative District 56 of Oregon.

We are all too familiar with the senseless violence happening on the streets of Portland each night. I commend the local police, Oregon State Police and Federal Agents who have done their best to protect property and people, given the political handcuffs they must wear. It takes men and women of real character to face adversity and chaos night after night, knowing the work of keeping the peace is a dangerous job, being also despised by some.

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