Gov. Brown Calls for a health and safe Labor Day weekend, end to violence in Portland [VIDEO]


Press Release from the Office of Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon.

PORTLAND, Ore. - Governor Kate Brown today called on Oregonians to do their part to help stop the spread of COVID-19 over the holiday weekend, in order to keep Oregon on the path to reopening more schools for in-person instruction and keeping businesses open. She noted that previous holiday weekends have caused COVID-19 numbers to spike, urging Oregonians to stay local and avoid large gatherings that could spread the disease.

“We’ve seen three times now how get-togethers among family and friends during holiday weekends have led to surges in COVID-19 infections, taking our progress backward.

“It happened after Mother’s Day weekend. It happened after Memorial Day, and after July 4th when we saw an uptick in COVID-19 cases.

“So I ask you: as you make your plans for Labor Day: please don’t let your fatigue with these restrictions take us away from our collective goal of reducing infection and preventing deaths. We’re in this together. The more we all follow good safety practices, the safer you and your family will be.”

Governor Brown emphasized making smart choices as we enter the Labor Day Weekend:

  • Stay local as much as possible.

  • Stay small — limit gatherings because we know they can dangerously spread COVID-19, especially among those without symptoms who unknowingly spread this disease.

  • Stay outside — if you decide to get together in small groups, do it outdoors where your risk of getting infected is lower.

  • Stay safe by covering your face — wear a mask or face covering as it will protect you and the people around you.

  • Support local businesses — it’s one of the best things you can do for our economy and your fellow Oregonians right now.

Governor Brown also called for an end to the violence in Portland as Oregonians continue to call for racial justice and police accountability.

“Our country’s worst moments were defined by fear and hatred. And our greatest are defined by peace, understanding and justice. The only way through this is if we all work together."

Noting the continued wildfire danger in Oregon due to hot and dry weather, Governor Brown also urged Oregonians to do their part to prevent human-caused wildfires, by following burn bans and practicing fire safety.

Editors Note - A copy of Governor Browns remarks are below.