Oregon Tech and Faculty Union ratify first contract

Oregon Tech and Faculty Union ratify first contract

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) is pleased to announce that the first contract with its faculty union, Oregon Tech – American Association of University Professors (OT-AAUP) has been ratified by both the union and the administration. The collective bargaining agreement secures wage increases, other benefits, and workload parameters through June 2025.

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OT-AAUP Bargaining Team meets late into the night to make considerable offer; senior admin refuses to budge on equity

OT-AAUP Bargaining Team meets late into the night to make considerable offer; senior admin refuses to budge on equity

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Oregon Tech AAUP is increasingly close to a settlement in the eighth day of their strike against the Oregon Institute of Technology, as the union continues to fight for their collective bargaining rights and salary equity.

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Oregon Tech pushes forward with negotiations despite minimal response from the faculty union

Oregon Tech pushes forward with negotiations despite minimal response from the faculty union

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Oregon Tech continued negotiations with its striking faculty union Sunday with an intent to reach agreement. Thus far the faculty union has only asked questions regarding workload, to which Oregon Tech has provided response, and the union has not shared a substantive response to address the outstanding workload proposals.

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OIT Students protest at administration building in support of faculty; still no contract

OIT Students protest at administration building in support of faculty; still no contract

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - While a majority of Oregon Tech faculty held their own Rally for a Fair Contract on Friday, over 50 Oregon Tech students entered the OIT administrative building in Klamath Falls and held a sit-in to show their support for their faculty. Actions also took place at the Portland-Metro campus and virtually as Oregon Tech - AAUP (OT-AAUP) continues to negotiate a historic first contract with a recalcitrant senior administration.

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Oregon Tech says workload is a sticking point

Oregon Tech says workload is a sticking point

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Oregon Tech and its new faculty union continued bargaining in a day-long session Friday but remained unable to reach a tentative agreement on all outstanding issues.

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Outside firm hired by Oregon Tech Administration broke Oregon law; bargaining resumes today amidst historic strike [UPDATED]

Outside firm hired by Oregon Tech Administration broke Oregon law; bargaining resumes today amidst historic strike [UPDATED]

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - A firm hired by Oregon Tech broke Oregon law when they employed instructors to replace striking faculty, allegedly for COVID-19 related reasons. Oregon Tech’s senior administration hired a private firm called Focus EduVation to replace striking faculty, but that company did not immediately inform those substitutes that they were strikebreakers.

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Oregon Tech suffers during second day without its striking faculty; strike continues

Oregon Tech suffers during second day without its striking faculty; strike continues

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - The Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath Falls, Wilsonville, and Salem, Oregon, ground to a halt today despite public promises from administration that operations would continue with minimal disruption during an ongoing strike by Oregon Tech-AAUP (OT-AAUP) faculty.

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Oregon Tech Faculty strike; Admin respond

Oregon Tech Faculty strike; Admin respond

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Faculty organized through Oregon Tech - American Association of University Professors (OT-AAUP) went on strike at the Oregon Institute of Technology Monday, initiating a historic action to demand fair wages, secure benefits, and reasonable & clearly defined workload.

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Oregon Tech Faculty Union to strike on Monday if no deal is reached

Oregon Tech Faculty Union to strike on Monday if no deal is reached

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - The Oregon Tech American Association of University Professors states that the union will go on strike Monday, April 26 at 6:00 AM, if no agreement is reached between the union and administration.

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Oregon Tech offers faculty increases in salary, 95% healthcare premiums paid by University, and university-standard workload

Oregon Tech offers faculty increases in salary, 95% healthcare premiums paid by University, and university-standard workload

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - The Oregon Institute of Technology today presented the OT-AAUP faculty union with a generous compensation offer that guarantees future success for the University. The offer comes one week prior to the faculty union’s threatened strike.

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Oregon Tech calls for faculty union to work on resolution

Oregon Tech calls for faculty union to work on resolution

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - After 16 months of negotiations through a pandemic, Oregon Tech is disappointed that the faculty union, OT-AAUP, has decided to focus on a strike instead of coming to the table with a true intent to reach a reasonable first contract for Oregon Tech faculty. Oregon Tech believes the parties are making progress toward an agreement and additional negotiation sessions have already been scheduled. If the union were to strike, the University plans to continue providing students with the opportunity to continue their studies and complete their degree as scheduled.

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Oregon Tech calls for faculty union to negotiate; union votes to authorize strike

Oregon Tech calls for faculty union to negotiate; union votes to authorize strike

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Faculty represented by Oregon Tech - American Association of University Professors (OT-AAUP) voted this week to authorize a strike amid negotiations to develop the union's first contract with Oregon Institute of Technology.

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