OSBA Town Hall on School Funding Saturday in Medford


The Oregon School Boards Association is hosting series of town halls as part of its “Oregonians for Student Success,” a campaign for adequate and stable Oregon K-12 school funding. Area legislators and local school board members will moderate discussions on education and answer questions from the audience.

The closest town hall to Klamath County will be in Medford from 9 to 11 a.m. in the large conference at the Jackson County Library, 205 S. Central Ave. To RSVP and for more information about the town halls and the OSBA campaign, click here.

OSBA has committed to revenue reform and cost containment advocacy in the 2019 Legislature. The town halls will show “A Time to Listen,” a potent documentary on Oregon’s chronic education funding problem and the legislative drive for a solution. The video is part of “The Promise of Oregon” education advocacy campaign that OSBA began in 2014.