Hustlin’ Owls Split with San Diego Christian


LAKESIDE Calif. - Oregon Tech Baseball split its doubleheader Saturday against San Diego Christian, winning game one 7-1, piggybacking on an amazing outing by starting pitcher Spencer Dahlke who threw 7 strong innings only giving up one run on three hits. The Owls would go on to lose game two by a final score of 8-5.

Game One: Oregon Tech 7 San Diego Christian 1 

The Owls were dominant in game one thanks to the pitching by Dahlke who helped the Owls cause by striking out five batters in 7-innings. Ben Hood would be called out of the pen in the 8th inning to finish the job. He would strike out three batters and secure the victory for the Owls.

The start of the game looked a bit gloomy for the Owls as they gave up the one and only run of the game in the 2nd inning on an RBI double by Gabri Ponce De Leon. The Owls wouldn't have their hunger for a run satisfied until the 4th when Andy Schubert smacked a double to score three. The Owls led 3-1 until the 7th inning, there the Owls scored four more runs on a plutera if hits as well as a fielding error by the Hawks. This would make the final tally of 7-1 Oregon Tech. The Owls would finish the game with 7 runs on 9 hits and 2 errors to the Hawk's 1 run on 4 hits and 1 error. The Owls would look to game two improving to 3-4 on the year.

Game Two: San Diego Christian 8 Oregon Tech 5 

The bats for both teams would come alive fin game two. Oregon Tech would end the game with 9 hits and SDC with 10.

SDC would jump out early scoring five runs in the bottom of the first inning.

Oregon Tech would answer quickly though in the top of the 2nd inning with two of their own runs on an RBI single by Alex Malcolm that scored Michael TarakhchyanAustin Florez would also hit in a run as his double would score Andy Schubert.

The Hawks would extend their lead in the bottom of the 2nd with a two-run homer by David Blanset to make the score 7-2.

Oregon Tech would answer in the 4th with a sacrifice fly by Tristan Shea.

The fifth would see two more runs from the Owls to crawl within two runs. Nevan Watanabe batted in Kai Fong on a groundout to short. Another run would score on an SDC error.
Going into the sixth, down by two, the Owls would give up one more run on a single to right as the Hawks went up 8-5.

Oregon Tech would not be able to answer in the 7th and final inning. Falling to 3-5 on the year.

The Owls will wrap-up their six-game road trip on Sunday as they take on La Sierra University for a doubleheader. 

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@ La Sierra University
2/10/19 | 10:00 AM