Basin Adventures: 6 Things to Do in Klamath Falls During Winter

Yeti’s Lair Climbing Gym. Flickr, Michael McCullough

Yeti’s Lair Climbing Gym. Flickr, Michael McCullough

Klamath Falls is a wonderful playground for numerous outdoor adventures – such as Upper Klamath Lake – as well as being a truly scenic location. If you’re choosing to visit this superb location in the winter, you may be wondering what the best things to do in Klamath Falls in winter are. To help you narrow down your search and be prepared for fun in the snow, consider doing one of these 6 things to do in Klamath Falls in winter. With these helpful ideas, you will be sure to make the most of winter in Klamath Falls, Oregon. Let’s get started!


Basin Adventures is brought to you by Discover Klamath the Official Tourism Agency for Klamath County, Oregon.

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