WWII, railroad tours offered this month

Sites in Klamath Falls with a connection to World War II will be explored in a museum tour set for September 19.

Sites in Klamath Falls with a connection to World War II will be explored in a museum tour set for September 19.

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KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – Tours exploring World War II sites and railroading history in Klamath County will be offered this month. Places, where war-related activities took place, will be visited in a September 19 auto tour sponsored by the Klamath County Museum. Railroads constructed in the early 1900s will be the subject of a September 26 auto tour co-sponsored by the museum and the Shaw Historical Library.

Space for both tours is limited, and registration is required. Narration for both tours will be communicated via FM radio.

Both tours are free, with donations to the museum accepted.

Sites in or near Klamath Falls that saw activity during World War II include the Marine Barracks site, military housing sites, and Kingsley Field. The Sept. 19 tour will last about two hours.

The railroad history tour slated for Sept. 26 will last about five hours, covering a route from Klamath Falls to Chiloquin and Sprague River. Participants are encouraged to pack a lunch and be prepared for short walks at two locations.

Both tours will be streamed live on Facebook, to the extent that connections are available.

To register for the tours contact the Klamath County Museum at (541) 882-1000.

Other museum activities planned for this fall include a history-fitness hike on October 3 and a special version of Night at the Cemetery on October 10.