Washington Federal Foundation awards $10k to Citizens for Safe Schools

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The following is a press release from Citizens for Safe Schools.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - The local grassroots youth-serving nonprofit, Citizens for Safe Schools (CFSS) has received a generous grant through the Washington Federal Foundation, in the amount of $10,000. This grant award will support the agency’s newly launched Youth Reengagement Program.

The Washington Federal Foundation's purpose is to facilitate direct giving to community-based nonprofits serving the needs of people with low-and-moderate incomes. The Washington Federal Foundation provides support for social agencies and nonprofits that serve the needs of those in our communities who may need support, including seniors, youth organizations and families with low incomes.

Citizens for Safe Schools has been operating in the Klamath Basin for 22 years. The mission of the agency is to create a safe and drug free community where all children, especially those at risk for delinquency, academic failure or victimization have opportunities to build resiliency and character and all adults feel empowered to help them.

Through the Youth Development Division of the Oregon Department of Education, Citizens for Safe Schools is operating a Reengagement Program to assist Klamath County with system-wide monitoring, wrap around services, individual mentoring, and case management of youth and young adults who have been disengaged in their education, have dropped out of school, or are at-risk of dropping out. Citizens for Safe Schools staff are grateful to Washington Federal Foundation for their generosity and support of youth and young people in Klamath County, and their support as CFSS sought funding to strategically support reengagement and retainment efforts for drop out youth, and youth at risk of dropping out of school in Klamath County. Klamath relies heavily on community collaboration and cross-sectional partnership to rally resources and get work done. CFSS looks forward to working with the Washington Federal Foundation and Washington Federal here in Klamath County.

Growing up in this day and age, especially in the past year of COVID, has presented many challenges to attending and succeeding in school. Some of these challenges have caused many youth to become disengaged in learning, and progress toward successful completion of school has gotten off-track. Without a diploma or GED, it can be hard to get a good paying job, join the military, or get vocational training to become contributing members of the community. Mentoring and activities through the Youth Reengagement Program is one way to give extra support to youth who might be struggling with grades, school attendance, physical or emotional health, and other challenges and barriers. Participating in this program can help youth set goals and provide connections to other community agencies for getting back on-track to earning a diploma or GED.

This $10,000 grant award through the Washington Federal Foundation will directly support and incentivize youth program participants to achieve their identified educational and career goals. Specifically, funding will be used for direct youth reward-based incentives, and workforce readiness in the form of paid internships.

Youth all over the country have had their lives disrupted tremendously by the COVID-19 crisis. Now more than ever, it is important to equip our community’s youth with consistent, positive, caring adults in their lives, and opportunities to build their character and resilience. If you are interested in learning more about the Youth Reengagement Program, how to refer/enroll a youth or young adult aged 14-21, or how to volunteer and get involved with Citizens for Safe Schools, please call their office at 541-882-3198 or email info@citizensforsafeschools.org.