Walden Elected to House Republican Steering Committee

Walden to represent Western states on committee that will determine leadership and upcoming policy priorities for Republicans

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Representative Greg Walden (R-Hood River) today released a statement following his election to the House Republican Steering Committee as the Representative for Western states yesterday evening:

“I am honored to earn the support of my colleagues to serve on the House Republican Steering Committee for the next session of Congress. I would especially like to thank my fellow members of the Western states for supporting me as their representative for Region 11 on this important committee. In this position, I will continue to advocate for public policy that addresses the unique challenges we face in the West. There is much more work to be done to improve federal forest policy to reduce the risk of wildfires, bring local input back to public land management decisions, and ensure our farming, ranching, and rural communities are able to thrive. I remain committed to working in a bipartisan manner in the upcoming Congress on these issues, and will continue to work across the aisle to solve problems and get results for our district.”

In addition to Oregon, Walden will represent Alaska, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming on the House Republican Steering Committee as the Region 11 Representative for the 116th Congress.

Editors Note:
Both the Republicans and Democrats hold a steering committee. The purpose of the committee is to assign fellow party members to other House Committees and to also advise party leaders on policy.

Press release provided from Office of US Representative Greg Walden of Oregon.

US Representative Greg Walden (R-Oregon)

US Representative Greg Walden (R-Oregon)