Trail Blazer grant helps refurbish Lost River weight room

Lost River students Trevor Dalton and Zach Turner Ramos workout in the updated weight room at Lost River Junior/Senior High School. (Submitted photo)

Lost River students Trevor Dalton and Zach Turner Ramos workout in the updated weight room at Lost River Junior/Senior High School. (Submitted photo)

Lost River students Carston Hartman and Axel Ramos workout in the updated weight room at Lost River Junior/Senior High School. (Submitted photo)

Lost River students Carston Hartman and Axel Ramos workout in the updated weight room at Lost River Junior/Senior High School. (Submitted photo)

The weight room at Lost River Junior/Senior High School has received a facelift and new equipment with the help of a $10,000 grant from the Portland Trail Blazers.

Katey Limb, Physical Education teacher at Lost River, was awarded the grant last spring, but because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the new equipment and supplies did not arrive until late November.

The grant, along with funds from Donor’s Choose, helped purchase new weight bars, two flat-screen TVs, 36 kettlebells, 10 jump ropes, two battle ropes, six sets of spike ball, resistance bands, 16 wall balls, and two new storage systems. Still to come are bumper plates.

The space also was repainted and redecorated, adding to the more professional atmosphere. Lost River students assisted with cleaning and painting, taking ownership of the space.

“I just wanted my students to be able to have more opportunities so I tried to purchase equipment that could be used in multiple ways,” Limb said. “Christmas came early for us.”

Lost River has been working on updating its weight room equipment since 2016 when a former principal purchased two power racks. Four more power racks were added in 2018-19. Community members, businesses, and organizations have assisted with the updates, donating time, resources, monetary donations, and skills.