Three places to take the family on a bike ride in Klamath Falls


Guest article and photography by Aaron Worcester, Zach’s Bikes

What are we going to do this weekend? This may be the question your family is asking Friday afternoon. Well here are 3 great places to take the family for a ride that everyone can enjoy. 

All of these routes are beginner friendly, making them a joy for the whole family. So strap on your helmets and enjoy the the great outdoors right here in your own backyard. 


Moore Park

More Park is a real gem of a trail system, right here in downtown Klamath Falls. Not many places have such great trails so close to town. Which makes it that much easier to get out and enjoy.

The route below will take you through meandering trails in the forest above Moore Park where wildlife abounds. Deer, squirrels, and maybe even the local Moore Park fox will be your constant companions on this ride.

Once you have come out of the trees the views open up to reveal Klamath Lake.

On Wednesday evenings you will even be able to watch the local Yacht club sailboats as the sun sets in the back ground.

Find out more details about the route here.


Link River Trail

The Link river trail is a great trail even for youngster on "run bikes" (bikes without pedals).

You can start from the north trail-head across Oregon ave from Putnam's Point. The packed gravel surface is great for riders of all skill levels.

All along the way you will have views of the Link river, with opportunities to go right to the waters edge. There you can watch the rapids, birds of all sorts and stop to have a picnic. The trail is mostly flat, with a slight downhill at about a mile in.

So if you have little ones, coming back up the hill may be cause for a short walk. The entire trail is 1.5 miles long, and ends at a paved parking lot near the Favell Museum.

Find out more details about the route here.


Spence Mountain Trails

The Spence Mountain Trails are some of the most exciting new trails in Oregon, and they are just down the road!

The Shoalwater Bay loop is just what the family needs, when you want to get that feeling of being away from it all, without having to drive to the middle of nowhere.

The trail starts from the Shoalwater Bay trail-head located just 1.5 miles off of Hwy 140 on Eagle Ridge rd. Here the trail gradually climbs for 1.5 miles, offering glimpses over Shoalwater Bay of Klamath Lake.

Once you get to the top, catch your breath then get ready for a fun flowy ride down the second half of the Shoalwater Bay trail. At the waters edge you will meet the Old Eagle trail for a relaxing cruise back to the trail-head.

Along the way enjoy the Pelicans in the bay, the cranes on the shore and the amazing views of Mt Mcloughlin.

Find out more details about the route here.

Looking for more great rides? Check out more options at in the "Ride Klamath" tab.