Taxiway Bravo Construction Completed Under Budget with 93% FAA Grant Funding

2018-06-29 TWY Bravo Press Release 2.jpg
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The City of Klamath Falls, The Crater Lake – Klamath Regional Airport, Rocky Mountain Construction, and Mead and Hunt celebrated the completion of the Taxiway Bravo project on the afternoon of June 29, 2018. 

The newly completed Taxiway Bravo provides access to tenants on the east side of the airfield, provides a key connection point to the large apron on the east side of the airfield, increases runway safety on Runway 14/32 by reducing the time an aircraft spends on the runway surface, and will stimulate future economic development of the Airport’s east side.

The Taxiway Bravo project started construction in May 2017 and was substantially completed in June 2018 after a hiatus for winter shutdown. 

The new taxiway is approximately 2,350 feet in length, 75 feet wide, and capable of handling aircraft up to 475,000 pounds.  Now complete the project included 8.6 lane miles of asphalt pavement, 41,000 cubic yards of earthwork, 27,000 tons of asphalt, 106 LED airfield lights, 10 LED airfield guidance signs, and 17,424 square feet of pavement markings.

The project was originally bid at $7.77M.  The final cost of the project was approximately $7.50M.  The project was funded 93.75% by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Airport Improvement Program (AIP) grant funds and 6.25% by the City of Klamath Falls. 

AIP grant funds are available to public use airports for eligible planning and capital improvement projects.

Press release provided from the City of Klamath Falls.