Taking Time to Give Back

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Klamath County School District students, staff help community all week

Schools throughout the Klamath County School District will be participating in “give back” activities this week, including food and clothing drives, clean-up activities, thank-you letters to community businesses, leaders and organizations, pet food drives for the Humane Society among other activities.

Below is a list of the schools and what they have planned.

Merrill and Malin elementaries
Students will be completing community-wide service projects today (Oct. 15). Projects included:

  • In Merrill: Students from Lost River Ju¬nior-Senior High School will team up with sixth graders to pick up litter on Merrill’s Main Street. Kin¬dergartners and first-graders will clean the school’s playground and second- and fifth-graders will clean up other areas of town.

  • In Malin: Students will clean up Main Street, the park and other areas of town. Kinder¬gartners and first-graders will clean up on school grounds.

Henley Elementary:
From Oct. 15-17, Henley Elementary students are holding a coin drive to raise money for the Klamath Humane Society.

Henley Middle School:
From Oct. 15-26, stu¬dents are holding a canned food drive for the Klam-ath-Lake Counties Food Bank.

Stearns Elementary School:

  • Mr. Murdock’s fifth-grade class will go to the Klamath Animal Shelter from 12:15-1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17 to help with any clean-up or things they need done and reading to the animals.

  • Mrs. Nixon’s fifth-grade class will repaint the U.S. map on the school playground on Tuesday, Oct. 16.

  • Kindergarten is making homemade dog treats to donate to the Klamath Humane Society on Tuesday, Oct. 16

  • Mrs. Flecken’s second-grade class is making decorations for the Assistance League Thank You breakfast that Stearns staff is putting on Thursday, Oct. 18. Decorations will be made on Tuesday, Oct. 16.

  • Third grade on Tuesday, Oct. 16 will clean up the school ground, including collecting grass clippings, pinecones, etc. They are going to put gathered leaves in pumpkin bags to decorate in front of the school.

  • Fourth-graders are walking to Crest Park on Tuesday, Oct. 16 to do a clean-up day, from 1-2 p.m.

Keno Elementary:
On Tuesday, Oct. 16, students will be cleaning up the school campus. The school welcomes parents and families to bring rakes and work together to pick up pine cones and pine needles from its playground and parking lot areas. “Last year, this made an incredible difference in the appearance of our playground and school,” said Principal Sarah Shively.

Chiloquin Elementary School:
On Wednesday, Oct. 17, students will spend the day delivering cookies and personally written thank you notes to area organizations in the community. Each student will make cards for a specific organization and then will be bused or walk with their class to that organization and personally deliver cookies and their thank you notes. They also will flyers for the Nov. 2 Character Strong training. The school will buy the cookies. The organizations that will be thanked and the student groups that are writing the letters include:

  • Kindergarten: Tribal Administration and Tribal Day Care and Health

  • First-graders: Fire and Ambulance and Busy Bees

  • Second-graders: Gonyaw-Clyde’s, and JJs

  • Second-graders: Durham-Kirchers and Family Food

  • Third-graders: Chiloquin Junior-Senior High School

  • Fourth-graders: Post Office and Potbelly and City Hall

  • Fifth-graders: Dollar General, TP, Forest Service, and Melitas

  • Sixth-graders: Casino, and Travel Center (possible motel), Crater Lake Realty

  • Teachers: Thank you cards for the Blessing Pot.

Peterson Elementary:
On Tuesday, Oct. 16, Peterson Elementary students will raise money by paying $1 to wear a hat on that day. “Wear a Hat” Day will raise money to purchase books through Scholastic to donate to Sky Lakes Medical Center to use for kids who are patients.

Bonanza Elementary:
Students will be painting rocks of kindness to put in a rock bed on campus. Teachers will paint the rocks with their students on Monday, Oct. 15 and Tuesday, Oct. 16, and the rocks will be placed in the rock bed by Wednesday for pictures.

Mazama High School:
Mazama is hosting a pet drive for the Klamath Animal Shelter. Students will deliver supplies to the shelter at 2:15 p.m., Oct. 15. Last year, students donated almost $300 dollars and nearly 700 pounds of supplies. Plans are to donate more funds and supplies this year.

Lost River Junior-Senior High School:
Students will help with the Potato Festival set-up in Merrill. In Malin and Lost River, students also will be doing community service projects.

Gilchrist Schools:
Students will do campus and community clean up from 1:45 to 3:15 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 16.

Chiloquin Junior-Senior High School:
The school will do its Give Back Day, Wednesday, Oct. 24. Students will use the day to spruce up the community of Chiloquin. They will walk the streets picking up garbage, rake leaves and pick up pine cones at the school and clean the Forest Service road down by the river.

Bonanza Junior-Senior High School:
On Tuesday, Oct. 16, students and staff will recognize local and county emergency personnel, law enforcement, firefighters, and Air Guard members with student letters and notes of appreciation and thanks which will be forwarded to various organizations.

Brixner Junior High School:
Advisory classes will be cleaning the school grounds on Monday, Oct. 15 and Tuesday, Oct. 16.

Henley High School:
On Tuesday, Oct. 16, students and staff will be conducting several campus improvement projects, including tree planting, fence removal, parking lot painting for “positive culture change,” weeding, and general clean-up of the school grounds. Teachers will be taking their students out at various times of the day throughout the day on Tuesday.

Shasta Elementary School:

  • Second-graders will be painting rocks and delivering them to Quail Park to “hide” them around their property. They will do the deliveries from 12:30-1:45 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 16. (UPDATE: Second-graders will be painting rocks Tuesday, October 16, but will be delivering them at a later date.)

  • The sixth grade will be putting on a winter coat and blanket drive next week for give back day.

  • Third graders will be walking to Basin Book Trader on Tuesday afternoon (Oct. 16). Students will pick out a children’s book, and these will be donated to Shasta Union Elementary School in Shasta, California. This school was damaged during the Carr Fire last summer. Students are being asked to donate change to cover the cost.

  • Fourth-graders will clean the parking lot, garden and corner street at 618 Restaurant from 1 to 2 p.m., Tuesday, Oct. 16.

  • Fifth-graders are collecting items for the animal shelter.

Ferguson Elementary School:
Ferguson will be giving back from 12:45-2:15 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17. All staff and students will be doing campus and community clean-up activities.

Press release provided from the Klamath County School District.