Working to Improve Conditions in the Rivers and Streams for Future Generations

Working to Improve Conditions in the Rivers and Streams for Future Generations

CHILOQUIN, OR. - In cooperation with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, The Klamath Tribes partially funded the addition of 318 cubic yards of spawning gravel throughout Tribal Treaty land.

Due to historically poor land use practices, such as forestry and agriculture, many of the former gravel beds used by trout and salmon have been covered by fine sediment. Sediment smothers fish eggs and reduces the survival of young fish. By adding gravels to Tribal Treaty land, the Klamath Tribes has given a boost to future fish populations. Also, with the post dam removal reintroduction of salmon in the planning stages, it is critical that there is sufficient habitat to give them the best chance possible for success.

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