Water delivery extended through March 2022 for dry domestic wells

Water delivery extended through March 2022 for dry domestic wells

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Stakeholders are pleased to announce the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) is extending water deliveries to those with dry domestic wells into March of 2022. The County made the request last week and was notified the request was granted this week.

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Commission awards nearly $2.5 million for water projects - $661k for Chiloquin

Commission awards nearly $2.5 million for water projects - $661k for Chiloquin

SALEM, Ore. – At its November 2019 meeting, the Oregon Water Resources Commission awarded $2,471,120 in grants to four projects for the 2019 cycle of Water Project Grants and Loans. The funding awards were made based on the public benefits the projects would achieve as described in the project applications.

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