Basin Adventures: 7 Family Friendly Indoor Winter Activities [to Avoid the Snow]

Basin Adventures: 7 Family Friendly Indoor Winter Activities [to Avoid the Snow]

The weather guessers are saying that the snow is coming and with the latest satellite imagery, they might be right this time. So what better way to enjoy family time than to spend it inside where it is warm and watch the snow fall. In partnership with the Klamath Falls KOA here are 7 Family Friendly Indoor Winter Activities you can do here in the Klamath Basin and avoid getting cold in the Snow. (no particular order).

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Retro Arcade Gaming Returns to KFalls

Retro Arcade Gaming Returns to KFalls

What once was old is now new again. As a new generation is looking for something to do, retro games increase in popularity. Electrified by parents who grew up in arcades playing machines like, Pac-Man, Frogger, Galaga, Space Invaders, Donky Kong and others. Retro gaming arcades are coming back.

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