Driver Education Making all the Difference in the World in Oregon

Driver Education Making all the Difference in the World in Oregon

SALEM – Parents: would you like to reduce the chances of your teen driver being in a crash by a staggering amount? Get them into a driver education program. Oregon statistics shows that teens age 15 – 20 without driver education are responsible for 91 percent of teen driver crashes.

“If you think about the fact that we’re reaching a little over a one-third to one-half of all eligible teens in Oregon, but are only represented in under 9 percent of all crashes, it’s time to raise the flag and let people know,” said Driver Education Program Manager William Warner.

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National Teen Driver Safety Week is Oct. 15 - 21

National Teen Driver Safety Week is Oct. 15 - 21

SALEM - ODOT is joining with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration during National Teen Driver Safety Week (October 15-21) to encourage parents to talk to their teen drivers about the rules of the road.

“Parents have a very strong influence on their teens, even as they grow older and become more independent,” said William Warner, ODOT’s Driver Education program manager. “NHTSA offers parents and caregivers tips and a framework to talk to their teen drivers about risky driving behaviors that can lead to fatal consequences.”

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