Bag police coming for retailers near you

Bag police coming for retailers near you

Salem, Ore.—Democrats are attempting to pass cap and trade—a crony scam that robs Oregon’s smallest businesses and consumers to give out subsidies to politically-well connected entities—but their attempts are starting to get turbulent, per the Salem Reporter.

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Republicans kick off Sunshine Week with calls for Brown to be investigated

Republicans kick off Sunshine Week with calls for Brown to be investigated

SALEM, Ore.—Sunshine Week—a celebration of transparency in government—comes at an inopportune time for the Brown administration. Republicans are kicking off Sunshine Week with calls for Democrat Gov. Kate Brown to be investigated and claim that her legislative agenda chipping away at public records access paired with a perceived cover-up could be grounds for her resignation.

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OR Senate Votes Unanimously on SB1557 - Supporting ORNG Attend College

OR Senate Votes Unanimously on SB1557 - Supporting ORNG Attend College

Today, the Oregon State Senate voted unanimously to pass Senate Bill 1557, helping men and women serving in Oregon's National Guard, who are attending college. The bill amends current law to allow college students who are called up to serve the state for 30 days or less to retake college classes without additional cost.

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