Pioneer Games - And Butter

Pioneer Games - And Butter

Samantha Cunningham grabbed the mason jar of heavy cream and shook it hard for 10 seconds before passing it to her classmate.

In about 10 minutes, Cunningham and her Henley Elementary School classmates would have homemade butter and be able to spread it on crackers and taste it.

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Pioneer Era Recalled at 1860s Days

Pioneer Era Recalled at 1860s Days

The era of pioneer settlement in the West will be recalled Saturday, Feb. 10, during the annual 1860s Days program at the Klamath County Museum. Historical re-enactors will provide a variety of demonstrations such as Army life, wool spinning and dutch oven cooking. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at the museum, 1451 Main St.

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