OSFM Urges Oregonians to keep firework use legal and safe

OSFM Urges Oregonians to keep firework use legal and safe

SALEM, Ore. – With fireworks set to go on sale on Sunday, “Keep it legal, keep it safe” is the message from the Oregon State Fire Marshal. The 2024 fireworks retail sales season begins on June 23 and runs through July 6 in Oregon. The state fire marshal would like everyone to know which fireworks are legal to use, where fireworks can be used, and how to use them safely. 

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Lawsuits challenge new water plan

Lawsuits challenge new water plan

Irrigation water users in the Klamath Project will challenge the new federal rules restricting irrigation water supply for the Project. The plan, adopted by federal agencies on April 2, will be in effect for five years, and includes new rules and limitations based on the Endangered Species Act.

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Klamath Irrigators file suit against federal government to protect vested water rights

Klamath Irrigators file suit against federal government to protect vested water rights

Klamath Falls, Oregon — The Klamath Irrigation District, in consultation with the Klamath Water Users Association, filed a lawsuit in federal court to protect vested water rights of families, farmers, and ranchers of the Klamath Basin. The current Federal practice of allocating water across the Klamath Basin is inconsistent with the Reclamation Act of 1902, violates Oregon State Law, and denies due process afforded by the U.S. Constitution.

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Project Water Still Possible as Orrick Seeks More Information

Project Water Still Possible as Orrick Seeks More Information

Judge Orrick, holds on ruling about water and requests more information in the form of a Supplemental Briefing before deciding on the Klamath River Water Issue between fish and farms.

But is it too little too late for the Klamath Project?

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