First Time: 173rd Fighter Wing hosts Secretary of the Air Force

First Time: 173rd Fighter Wing hosts Secretary of the Air Force

Secretary of the Air Force Heather Wilson visited the 173rd Fighter Wing Nov. 3-4, 2018, marking the first visit by a sitting secretary since Kingsley Field opened its gates during WWII.

During her visit, Wilson had the opportunity to see firsthand the wing’s mission, which is the sole training provider of F-15C air superiority pilots to the U.S. Air Force. The base coined the phrase, “America’s air superiority starts here,” to describe a mission vital to the interests of the Air Force.

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Secretary Wilson Meets with Community Leaders [VIDEO]

Secretary Wilson Meets with Community Leaders [VIDEO]

Klamath Falls, Ore - Air Force Secretary Heather Wilson was in town over the weekend as an invited guest of Congressman Greg Walden. On her visit to Klamath Falls, Secretary Wilson was able to: tour Kingsley Field, fly in an F-15 Eagle (piloted by base commander Col. Jeff Smith,) and meet with local dignitaries to discuss issues involving the Klamath Basin & Kingsley Field.

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Secretary of the Air Force to Tour Kingsley Field, Fly in F-15 Eagle

Secretary of the Air Force to Tour Kingsley Field, Fly in F-15 Eagle

KINGSLEY FIELD, Ore. – The Secretary of the Air Force, Heather Wilson, will visit the 173rd Fighter Wing this weekend.  Secretary Wilson will the tour base, meet with Airmen, and see the mission first-hand when she flies in the backseat of an F-15 Eagle. 

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Air Force Secretary to Visit Kingsley Field

Air Force Secretary to Visit Kingsley Field

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Representative Greg Walden (R-Hood River) today announced that the Secretary of the Air Force, Heather Wilson, will visit Kingsley Field Air National Guard Base in Klamath Falls this weekend on invitation from Representative Walden. Secretary Wilson will join Walden in Klamath Falls to meet with the troops and commanders at Kingsley Field to learn more about the home of Oregon Air National Guard’s 173rd Fighter Wing, including the base’s capability to become a future home of a next-generation fighter jet, such as the F-35.

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