Unanimous Passage of Bills provides Help to local Hospital and Schools

Unanimous Passage of Bills provides Help to local Hospital and Schools

Salem, Ore. - HB 2847 and HB 2867 passed unanimously in the House and Senate during the last week of legislative session. Both bills were chief-sponsored by Rep. E. Werner Reschke (R-Klamath Falls).

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Bill qualifies benefits for Sky Lakes Medical Center

Bill qualifies benefits for Sky Lakes Medical Center

Salem, Ore. – HB 2847 passed in a unanimous vote on the House Floor on Monday. The bill was chief-sponsored by Rep. E. Werner Reschke (R-Klamath Falls).

The measure expands the list of hospitals, to include Sky Lakes Medical Center, as a hospital classified as a rural referral center and also classified as a sole community hospital, and whose medical staff may qualify for rural medical provider tax credit. Eligible providers…

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