Update on Tulelake Grasshopper Outbreak

Update on Tulelake Grasshopper Outbreak

I was able to get out Friday and today to scout for grasshopper nymphs around Tulelake.  My findings were quite alarming as it appears the grasshopper populations are very widespread with many locations having 20+ grasshopper nymphs per square yard.  

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"Biblical" plague of grasshoppers reveals unintended consequences of a de-watered landscape

"Biblical" plague of grasshoppers reveals unintended consequences of a de-watered landscape

KLAMATH BASIN - For several weeks now, as the morning cool turns to the heat of the day, vast swarms of voracious grasshoppers have been pouring out of the dry, largely barren Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuge into the surrounding irrigated farm fields around Merrill and Tulelake.  Concerns are growing that crop damage could extend into the millions of dollars.

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