Dogs Demonstrate Agility at Fairgrounds

Dogs Demonstrate Agility at Fairgrounds

For two weeks dogs have taken over the fairgrounds.  Last weekend it was the Klamath Dog Fanciers 67th Annual Klamath Dog Show.  This past weekend the Klamath Dog Fancier returned with Agility Trials.

“Most dogs naturally love to run, climb, jump and turn. Agility trials are a great chance for them to show off these inherent skills and, at the same time, work closely with their favorite teammates –their owners and handlers,”

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For the Love of Dogs [Photo Story]

For the Love of Dogs [Photo Story]

The Klamath Dog Fanciers have been holding the annual Klamath Dog Show Mother’s Day weekend for 67 years. This year’s event took over the inside of the John Hancock Event Center and spilled over into the fairgrounds with 80 RV’s checking in for dog gone good time.  

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