Chiloquin Youth Have a Secret Santa

Chiloquin Youth Have a Secret Santa

The anonymous Saint Nicholas – who teamed up with Chiloquin Junior-Senior High School student body president Dan Jones after connecting with him on Facebook -- donated $2,700 to help local youth in need.

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Chiloquin Rising: ‘We can. We will. We must.’ [VIDEO]

Chiloquin Rising: ‘We can. We will. We must.’ [VIDEO]

CHILOQUIN - Sahalie Crain stands unsmiling in the middle of the Chiloquin Junior-Senior High School gymnasium holding a handmade sign stating “Won’t Make It.”

Hannah Schroeder is on a bridge in town holding another sign: “Drop Out.” Lani Jackson stands near the railroad tracks. Her sign has one handwritten word: “Trouble.”

The signs held by the Chiloquin Junior-Senior High School students – three of 12 in a video created by the school’s leadership class last spring -- represent stereotypes and perceptions of Chiloquin youth. Today, those students are ripping the stereotypes to shreds.

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