Flying High

Flying High

Growing up, Thys deHoop watched F-15 fighter jets fly over his home in Klamath Falls, and he knew he wanted to be a fighter pilot.

But it wasn’t until his sophomore year at Henley High School that he was able to take an engineering class. Once he did, he was hooked. And his career options expanded from flying jets to aerospace and mechanical engineering.

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Henley Aerospace Engineering Flying into Second Year

Henley Aerospace Engineering Flying into Second Year

Thys DeHoop, 17, can see his future in the skies over his home town every time he looks up and
sees an F-15 fighter jet soar high above.

“Growing up in Klamath, being able to see the F-15s, how fast they go, how loud they are,”
DeHoop said. “The atmosphere at the base, it’s so fun and family oriented. I want to be a part of that someday. And I think it’d be cool to go Mach 2.5, faster than the speed of sound.”

He and about 60 other Henley High School students recently got a closer look at the jets and Kingsley Field at the home of the 173rd Fighter Wing on a field trip to the Air National Guard base. The field trip was part of the Henley High School Aerospace Engineering program. 

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