Senate President Comments on 2018 Session

Senate President Comments on 2018 Session

Statements by Senate President Peter Courtney (D-Salem). This session surprised me. I was worried that we were over-committed, doing too much. But we just adjourned eight days before the constitutional deadline. We passed significant legislation, most with bipartisan support.

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Legislature Adjourns Productive 2018 Legislative Session

Legislature Adjourns Productive 2018 Legislative Session

The Oregon House of Representatives adjourned the 2018 legislative short session, “sine die,” today. Over the course of the 27-day session, Oregon House Democrats advanced key legislation that will build a better future for every Oregonian.

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Senate Adjourns 2018 Short Session

Senate Adjourns 2018 Short Session

Oregon lawmakers adjourned the 2018 legislative session today, a full eight days ahead of the constitutional deadline of March 11th. Despite Democrats' claims of bipartisanship, many substantial policy changes were forced through this shorter than average short session.

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