Sky Lakes tightens visitor restrictions

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KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Following newly updated guidance from state and federal public health experts to help slow the spread of the coronavirus/COVID-19, Sky Lakes leadership today (March 17) further tightened visitor restrictions at the medical center.

Beginning today, no visitors will be permitted to inpatient care areas except one family member to be with a loved one in end-of-life care, or Family Birth Center or pediatric patients.

Similarly, only one support person will be allowed to be with surgery patients or those here for an outpatient procedure. Those in a support capacity are encouraged to wait elsewhere rather than in the hospital.

Additionally, waiting areas will be configured so chairs are not closer than six feet from each other. This follows guidance regarding "social distancing" to help minimize transmission of the virus.

"These are unprecedented measures taken to help protect patients and staff during unprecedented times," said Sky Lakes spokesman Tom Hottman.

Resources and links to local, state and national health information are at

Source: Sky Lakes Medical Center