Reschke Sponsors Bills that Protect Life and Promote Liberty


Salem, Ore. - Representative E. Werner Reschke (R-Klamath Falls) will use his two allotted bills in the 2018 Legislative session to protect life and promote liberty.

HB 4057 would end late term abortions in Oregon after 20 weeks. “At the 20-week stage of development an unborn baby can sleep, suck his/her thumb and survive outside the womb. Moreover embryology tells us that this unborn baby can feel pain. This horrific act of abortion becomes more sinister after week 20 because the baby can feel pain, like you and I, as the baby’s life is brutally ended. I ran to champion for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness — and human life is just as precious at 20 weeks as it is at 20 years,” said Rep. Reschke.

HB 4058 is a practical change to fix HB 3279 (passed in 2017) requiring that all businesses and organizations providing janitorial services be regulated by the Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI). 

“This original seven page bill quickly ballooned into 40-plus pages of rules — many of which are unduly burdensome and costly to the workflow of janitorial companies. While the intent of the law was well meaning, its execution has caused an uproar all across Oregon. Business owners are frustrated with the complicated new licensing rules and fees. HB 4058 works to address many issues brought forth by small businesses, nonprofits and housekeeping operations, and free them from the entanglements of obtrusive government regulation,” said Rep. Reschke.

Representative Reschke is also working on a committee bill to help with water transfers within the Klamath Project and a bill to ensure video lottery funds are correctly paid out to counties. Representative Reschke is part of the House Committees on Revenue, Higher Education and Workforce Training and is Vice-Chair on Energy & Environment.

The 2018 legislative session begins February 5.

Press release from Oregon House Representative E. Werner Reschke