Photo Story: Snow Day

A trio of ladies get some exercise as they walk through Moore Park following Tuesday’s storm. February 13, 2018 (Image by, Brian Gailey / Klamath Falls News)

A trio of ladies get some exercise as they walk through Moore Park following Tuesday’s storm. February 13, 2018 (Image by, Brian Gailey / Klamath Falls News)

From Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday morning Klamath Falls officially received 7.5” of heavy wet snow. Unofficially, many locations in town received higher snow totals. Levels were great enough that all schools, with the exception of Butte Valley and Tulelake, and many small businesses called in a ‘Snow Day’.

Klamath Falls News took to the streets to capture how much snow was actually on the ground, the road conditions and to see what many were doing on their free day.

We found more businesses open than were closed, streets that were packed with snow, people clearing driveways & parking lots, and plows scrambling to play catch up. By mid afternoon many of the main streets were cleared and much of the snow had melted away - enough so that localized flooding from backed up storm drains, ice dammed gutters, and soggy fields had become an issue.

Images tell the story better than words can - below are images from today.