Oregon Tech professor appointed to Vice-Chair of the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging

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Monica Breedlove, associate professor of Medical Imaging at Oregon Institute of Technology (Oregon Tech) recently received an appointment to Vice-Chair of the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging, with her official term beginning January 2021.

Professor Breedlove was first appointed to the Board in June, representing radiology. She joins fellow Oregon Tech Medical Imaging Technology faculty members, Robyn Cole and Vanessa Bennett.

The mission of the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging is to promote, preserve and protect the public health, safety, and welfare of Oregonians who are undergoing medical imaging studies performed by agency licensees for the purpose of medical diagnosis and therapy.

Her role on the Board will include a two-year commitment to work with other members to address issues that affect policies, procedures, and requirements for technologists throughout the state.

"Being on the Oregon Board of Medical Imaging allows me to play a role in advocacy for medical imaging, something I'm passionate about," said Professor Breedlove. "It also gives me the opportunity to uphold a high level of professionalism in the field, by being a member of a board that maintains certification and continuing education requirements for imaging technologists in the State of Oregon."

An Oregon Tech graduate, Professor Breedlove joined the Medical Imaging faculty in January of 2011 as an adjunct instructor and received a full-time appointment in September of 2013. She teaches many courses in her primary program of Radiologic Science, but also teaches MRI for the Nuclear Medicine program.