Oregon Farm Bureau Celebrates National Ag Week

March 18-24 is National Agriculture Week, and March 20 is National Ag Day. (Image: Oregon Farm Bureau / Charles Leutwiler)

March 18-24 is National Agriculture Week, and March 20 is National Ag Day. (Image: Oregon Farm Bureau / Charles Leutwiler)

March 18-24 is National Agriculture Week, and March 20 is National Ag Day.

March 18-24 is National Agriculture Week, and March 20 is National Ag Day.

March 18-24 is National Agriculture Week
March 20th is National Ag Day

Oregon Farm Bureau, the state's largest general agriculture organization, encourages all Oregonians to take a moment to thank the hard-working farm and ranch families across the state and nation during National Ag Week.

"Agriculture benefits all Oregonians by ensuring food security, providing jobs, preserving the environment, and enhancing our quality of life. It's particularly impressive when you realize that farmers and ranchers represent less than 1 percent of the state's population," said Anne Marie Moss, communications director for Oregon Farm Bureau.

"An excellent way to support our farm and ranch families is to buy Oregon-grown products at the grocery store, farmers' markets, and restaurants," said Moss.

> To help Oregonians find local farm stands and u-pick fields, Farm Bureau offers the Oregon's Bounty website at http://oregonfb.org/oregonsbounty/ where visitors can search for local farm stands or u-pick fields.

> To recognize National Ag Week and the invaluable service provided by Oregon's Ronald McDonald Houses, Oregon Farm Bureau (OFB) members and elected officials will gather at the at the Ronald McDonald House on the Campus of Legacy Emanuel Hospital in Portland on Monday, March 19 at 11:30 a.m.

Farm Bureau members will donate $3,400 worth of groceries to fill the pantries of the two Ronald McDonald Houses based in Portland. Portland's Ronald McDonald Houses shelter and feed 50 families every night, offering a home-away-from-home for families who have to travel to Portland because their children are seriously ill and require hospitalization or specialized care.

State Representative Janelle Bynum, who serves on the Board of Trustees of Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon and Southwest Washington, and Multnomah County Commissioner Jessica Vega Pederson will be at the East Portland Ronald McDonald House to welcome the Farm Bureau members when the groceries are delivered.

> Oregon agriculture: Did you know?

(Note: Sources for the following stats include the Oregon Dept. of Agriculture, Oregon State University, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, U.S. Ag Census, Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program, among others. Find specific source material here: http://oregonfb.org/about/oregon agriculture/)

Find more cool facts about Oregon agriculture on Oregon Farm Bureau's website at http://oregonfb.org/2018agweek/!

  • 97% of Oregon's farms and ranches are family owned and operated.
  • Less than 1% of Oregon's population are principal operators of farms and ranches.
  • Nationally, one farmer supplies food for about 155 people in the US and abroad.
  • About 1 of every 5 principal operators of Oregon farms and ranches are women, which is one of the highest percentages in the nation.
  • The Oregon Century Farm & Ranch Program reports that 1,200 farms and ranches have achieved century status for remaining operational and within the same family for at least 100 years. 39 more boast Sesquicentennial status for reaching the 150-year milestone. Now that's sustainable by any measure!
  • Oregon farmers, ranchers, and fishers produce more than 225 crops and livestock, making
  • Oregon one of the most diverse agricultural states in the nation.
  • Oregon producers also represent a diversity of successful operations. That helps keep the industry resilient. Big or small, organic or conventional, growing for local or export markets, Oregon is home to all types of agriculture. 
  • Oregon is the No. 1 producer in the United States for blackberries, boysenberries, and hazelnuts, raising nearly 100% of the U.S. supply for these commodities.
  • Oregon is No. 1 in the U.S. for Christmas trees, rhubarb, potted azaleas, crimson clover, and a few grass seed varieties.
  • Oregon ranks 6th in the United States in certified organic acreage and 4th in farmgate sales for organics.
  • Oregon ranks 6th in the United States in fresh market vegetables.
  • Oregon leads the way when it comes to Farm to School in the US. 100% of school districts in Oregon participate at some level with the Farm to School program, compared to 42% of school districts nationwide. Nationally, 40% of schools participating in farm-to-school programs sourced milk locally, but in Oregon, that number is 58% and growing.
  • There are 35,439 farms in Oregon, covering about 16.3 million acres.

Find more facts about Oregon agriculture on Oregon Farm Bureau's website at http://oregonfb.org/2018agweek/

Press release provided from the Oregon Farm Bureau.