OHA Expands face covering guidance

Officials from the Oregon Health Authority revise the statewide face covering guidance to require masks in the workplace, and outdoor markets & events

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SALEM, Ore. - The Oregon Health Authority has announced new revisions to the statewide face covering guidance (below). Now including new provisions regarding workplaces, markets, events, educational facilities, and new information regarding face shields.

In particular, the guidance now requires that people wear face coverings in all private and public workplaces including classrooms, offices, meeting rooms, and workspaces unless someone is alone in an office or in a private workspace.

OHA also now advises against the use of face shields as a proper face covering.



In general, OHA recommends that people wear a mask or face covering, with or without a face shield, whenever they are within six (6) feet of people who do not live in the same household.

It is not recommended that individuals wear a face shield instead of a mask or face covering. Face shields can be very good at blocking droplets that individuals release, but they are not as effective at limiting the release of aerosols that can go around the shield.



There may be mask, face covering and face shield requirements and recommendations that apply to other businesses or sectors not specifically identified in this guidance. Businesses and sectors should review and comply with any mask, face covering, face shield requirements in the other applicable sector guidance that may apply.



To the extent this guidance requires compliance with certain provisions, it is enforceable as specified in Executive Order 20-27, paragraph 26.

26. Enforcement.  The directives in this Executive Order and any guidance issued by OHA or other state agencies to implement this Executive Order are effective statewide, unless otherwise specified.  This Executive Order and any guidance issued by OHA to implement this Executive Order are public health laws, as defined in ORS 431A.005, and may be enforced as permitted under ORS 431A.010.  In addition to any other penalty that may be imposed under applicable laws, any person, business, or entity found to be in violation of this Executive Order or any guidance issued by OHA or other state agencies to implement this Executive Order is subject to the penalties described in ORS 401.990.



Download the October 19, 2020, guidelines from OHA.

For additional information on mask requirements in the State of Oregon visit, https://govstatus.egov.com/or-oha-face-coverings

For Executive Order 20-27 visit, https://www.oregon.gov/gov/admin/Pages/eo_20-27.aspx