Nature walk to explore Conger Heights

A large boulder commemorates the efforts of Dr. George Nicholson and others to protect the Link River Canyon in the 1970s.

A large boulder commemorates the efforts of Dr. George Nicholson and others to protect the Link River Canyon in the 1970s.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – A nature walk on a ridge overlooking Klamath Falls and the Link River Canyon will be offered at 10 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 9, by the Klamath Greenways Foundation.

The organization is holding the walk to honor individuals who worked 40 years ago to protect the scenic ridge known as Conger Heights from the threat of development.

“Most of the citizens who fought to protect the Link River Canyon back in the 1970s are now gone, but we don’t want to forget their effort to save this valuable island of natural beauty in the middle of our community,” said Eric Nelson, president of the Klamath Greenways Foundation.

The walk will cover up to two miles, with some uphill sections, and will last about 90 minutes. A striking view of Link River and Upper Klamath Lake will be revealed along the way.

The walk will begin on Sanford Street, at the end of 1st Street off California Ave.

“The view from Conger Heights takes in hundreds of square miles of territory around Klamath Falls, from Sheepy Ridge in California to the rim of Crater Lake,” Nelson said. “We want to invite everyone in town to learn more about what a special place this is.”

The Foundation this week dedicated a plaque honoring Dr. George Nicholson, a physician who led efforts to protect Conger Heights. He used personal funds to acquire the property in 1978 in order to block a proposed subdivision. He then donated the land to be preserved as open space.

“The ownership was eventually transferred to the City of Klamath Falls, but the city has not yet adopted measures that it will prohibit development of the parcel,” Nelson said. “We hope to encourage the city to lock in the protection that Dr. Nicholson and others thought they had achieved 40 years ago.”

The plaque unveiled this week is affixed to a large boulder that was donated by Diversified Contractors of Klamath Falls and placed at the end of Stanford Street, which at one time was to be the main access to the subdivision.

“This boulder and plaque should serve as a permanent reminder to future generations concerning previous efforts to protect the Link River Canyon as a wildlife corridor and recreational attraction,” Nelson said.

Press release provided by the Klamath Greenways Foundation