Letter to the Editor: Responsible Republic

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Letter to the Editor by, Robert Crebbin

I'm sure encouraged by our commissioners, and legislators that represent us and protect us from Salem and the Feds that have committed us to ruin in this panicdemic.

I'm predicting that after the riots, anarchy, murders, arson, and economic destruction caused by our progressive overlords is finally done, the cure will have destroyed from more lives than the disease.

Ruined businesses shamed or threatened into closing or destroyed by Antifa (the idea) or BLM. Millions of kids locked away from one another causing more stress, sickness, suicide. Fear from letter writers that death awaits at every turn and lives are endangered by not doing what the Queen demands. (by the way - you may shelter in place as long as you desire and your fear is gone.)

Far more death, suffering, destruction, disease, emotional stress, relational damage, family disruption, abuse of drugs, alcohol, financial ruin private and government, and more will be attributed to the panic and fearmongering of tyrannical super-majority in Salem and the progressive princes that lord over many of our major cities turning a blind eye to lawlessness and cheering destruction in the name of "protest".  

God has blessed our community with courageous and independent leaders that do a great job protecting our God given rights in our responsible republic.

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