Letter to the Editor: Response to letter attacking my family and I

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Letter to the Editor by Brandon Fowler, Chiloquin

I wish to respond to the recent letter where Candidate for Sheriff Daren Krag, through one of his campaign surrogates Stuart Nelson, has taken aim at my family and I.  This letter was a completely false representation of how I was hired, my qualifications, as well as the process for my six-month review.   Last summer the position of Emergency Manager was vacated and I presented my application for the open position.  There were many applicants, fifteen or twenty I believe, from all over the county.  After two months of interviews, evaluations, and background checks I was selected as the most qualified applicant.  Those qualifications include many years of military, telecommunications, and emergency radio experience, as well as having served on fire district boards, and having many of the FEMA trainings required for this role.

Mr. Krag, again through his surrogate Mr. Nelson, have made reference to my past contributions and those of my wife.  Yes, I donated to Sheriff Kaber’s campaign four years ago, yes many months ago my wife donated to Sheriff Kaber’s reelection campaign.  There is nothing illegal, dishonest, or unethical about that and all contributions have been correctly recorded for public record.  Being a donor doesn’t disqualify me from being an employee.  My family and I don’t forfeit our first amendment rights to support candidates we choose because I am an employee.

This is a common bullying tactic of Mr. Krag’s.  He takes something that is perfectly legal, acceptable, and where policy and best practice is followed to the letter and tries to twist it to make people believe it is dishonest in hopes that it will win him votes.

I find it insulting that Mr. Krag, and his surrogates seek to besmirch myself and my family in hopes of winning him votes.  Their tactics of guilt by association and attacking supporters for exercising their rights are disgraceful to the people of Klamath County and certainly not befitting of someone who thinks he is a leader.

This letter has been edited to adhere to KFN’s 350 word limit.  The original can be read at https://brandonfowler.com

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