Klamath Winter Star Party

Star party participants gather at a museum-sponsored star party last month on Stateline Road. Another astronomy event will be offered Saturday, Feb. 10. (Klamath County Museum)

A winter star party will be offered Saturday, Feb. 10, by the Klamath County Museum. The astronomy event will begin at 6:00 p.m. on Stateline Road south of Merrill.

“The Orion nebula will be the star of the show for this weekend’s party,” said Greg Christensen, an amateur astronomer assisting with the event. “This is the best time of year to view the nebula, which is so big it can be picked out with just a pair of binoculars.”

To reach the star party location, drive south from Merrill on South Merrill Road to Stateline Road, and turn right. Signs will direct participants to the star party site on the left, or south side, of the road, about a quarter mile from the South Merrill Road.

Those arriving later are encouraged to turn off headlights as they enter the parking area.

Saturday’s star party is open to anyone interested in learning about the night sky. Participants are encouraged to bring binoculars or telescopes, and dress in layers. In the event of cloudy skies, the event will be rescheduled for a later date.

For more information contact the Klamath County Museum at 541-882-1000.

Press release from Klamath County Museum