Klamath Health Partnership offers vaccine waiting list

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The following is a press release from Klamath Health Partnership.

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. - Klamath Health Partnership (KHP) now offers a COVID-19 Vaccine Waiting List for any Klamath County resident.

“KHP has been providing vaccines for weeks now,” said Victoria Leon, KHP Vaccine Coordinator. “We started by calling our patients directly for appointments. With the governor’s announcement today [3/19/21], we want a more efficient way to know if our patients are interested in receiving the vaccine.”

Governor Kate Brown announced earlier today [3/19/21] that guidelines would be changing for phases as early as March 22, 2021.

According to KHP Medical Director, Dr. Flor Mounts, “KHP will continue to prioritize vaccines based on risk and guidelines. This waiting list simply allows us to focus our call outreach to patients who meet criteria and have expressed interest in the vaccine.”

Any Klamath County resident, regardless of patient status, may register. Priority will be given to KHP patients. The waiting list can be found at: https://www.klamathopendoor.org/index.php/covid-19-vaccine-information/