Klamath County has 1 new confirmed COVID-19 case

Klamath County Public Health.png

KLAMATH FALLS, Ore. – Klamath County Public Health (KCPH) officials have announced a new COVID-19 case in the county. It brings the county case count to 15, with 14 being active and one recovery. There have been 293 tests given in the county.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) also just announced that people should wear fabric masks to slow the spread of COVID-19.Jackson County Public Health made a similar announcement last week.

KCPH officials want community members to know that wearing a mask does not remove the need to keep six feet of social or physical distance from others and practice good hygiene, often washing hands and disinfecting surfaces. People opting to use a mask should not to use N95 or surgical masks, as those are reserved for healthcare workers.

COVID-19 is now in the community. Many people will contract the virus and have no symptoms. They may infect others without realizing it. That is why staying at home, social or physical distancing, and frequent handwashing is so important.

For more information and COVID-19 updates, visit publichealth.klamathcounty.org/coronavirus. klamathfallsnews.org/covid19.

Age Group Cases Hospitalized Deaths
0-19 - - -
20-29 4 - -
30-39 2 - -
40-49 3 1 -
50-59 3 1 -
60-69 3 1 -
70-79 - - -
80+ - - -
Not Available - - -
Total 15 3 0
Sex Cases Deaths
Male 4 -
Female 11 -
Total 15 0