Klamath and Lake Counties with 24 more move into Phase 2

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SALEM, Ore. - Governor Kate Brown approved 26 counties to move to Phase 2 of reopening on June 5, 6, and 8 under her framework for building a safe and strong Oregon.

County officials submitted letters to the Governor’s Office requesting entry into Phase 2, and confirming their counties met Oregon’s safety and preparedness prerequisites for Phase 2.

“Today, most of us live in communities where people are venturing out a bit. We do so cautiously, looking out for friends, family, and neighbors,” said Governor Brown. “I want to say thank you to each and every Oregonian who has made tremendous sacrifices to protect the health and safety of our communities.”

“Any reopening comes with risk. That’s just a fact of life right now. We need to reduce the risk that comes with reopening. So, fellow Oregonians, you have further opportunity to show that you are looking out for your friends, family, and neighbors.”

The following counties have been approved to enter Phase 2 on the following dates:

June 5, 2020

  • Benton

  • Curry

  • Douglas

  • Grant

  • Jackson

  • Klamath

  • Lake

  • Lane

  • Linn

  • Morrow

  • Union

  • Wallowa

  • Wasco

  • Wheeler

June 6, 2020

  • Baker

  • Clatsop

  • Columbia

  • Coos

  • Crook

  • Gilliam

  • Harney

  • Josephine

  • Malheur

  • Sherman

  • Yamhill

June 8, 2020

  • Tillamook

The dates reflect the specific request of each county as reflected in their Phase 2 request letters. Counties entering Phase 2 will continue reopening following new health and safety guidance for gatherings, indoor and outdoor venues, workplaces, travel, bars and restaurants, indoor and outdoor activities, pools and sports courts, and recreational sports.

A video presentation for counties and members of the public with questions about Phase 2 is available here.

The Oregon Health Authority analyzed the metrics holistically for each county and determined when seemingly significant percentage increases were actually the result of a county having a very small number of cases. For example, several counties did not technically meet the metric that at least 70% of new cases must be tracked to an existing, known case. However, in all of these counties the number of untracked cases was so small (fewer than 5) that OHA deemed them not significant. In addition, one county––Lane––technically did not meet the metric of having no increase in testing positivity in the last 7 days. The previous seven days had a positivity rating of 0%, and the last 7 days had a positivity of 2%, which is still low compared to the national average, which is over 10%. OHA deemed this change insignificant as well.

Three counties, Deschutes, Jefferson, and Umatilla, applied for Phase 2 but remain under further review. State health officials are in active communication with local public health officials in these counties.

Six counties have not yet applied for Phase 2: Clackamas, Hood River, Lincoln, Marion, Polk, and Washington.

Multnomah County has not yet applied for Phase 1 and remains in baseline status.

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What is Phase 2?

Phase 2 continues the county-by-county approach to reopening. Counties can be approved to enter Phase 2 only if they have been in Phase 1 for at least 21 days and are succeeding in controlling the spread of the virus. Counties approved to enter Phase 2 must continue to meet Phase 1 metrics, including:

  • Declining disease prevalence

  • Having an adequate number of contact tracers, including people reflective of the communities they serve

  • Establishing adequate testing, isolation and quarantine facilities, sufficient hospital surge capacity, and sufficient personal protective equipment supply

Counties must also meet additional prerequisites, including:

  • Demonstrating that they are able to trace new cases within 24 hours

  • As counties see new cases, they must be able to identify where they are coming from at least 70% of the time

  • Counties cannot be experiencing a significant increase in cases

New Guidance for Phase 2
Counties that enter Phase 2 will be able to continue with the reopening process, following updated health and safety guidance:

  • Gathering limits will be raised to 50 people indoors, and 100 people outdoors.

  • Indoor and outdoor venues, including theaters and churches, with 6 feet of physical distancing and other measures in place, can reach a COVID-19 occupancy limit of up to 250.

  • Offices can begin reopening and employees can return to workplaces with physical distancing and other measures in place, though remote work is still strongly recommended whenever possible.

  • Increased travel will be allowed throughout Oregon, though staying local is still recommended to prevent overloading county health systems.

  • Restaurants and bars will have curfews extended to midnight.

  • Pools and sports courts will be allowed to reopen under the new guidance.

  • Indoor and outdoor activities such as bowling, batting cages, and mini-golf, will be allowed to reopen under the new guidance.

  • Recreational sports can resume in a limited form, under strict physical distancing guidance.

Additional Statewide Guidance
For all counties, including those remaining in Phase 1 or on baseline status:

  • Zoos, gardens, and museums can reopen in a limited fashion.

  • Professional and collegiate sports teams can return to training in their facilities with physical distancing and health and safety measures in place.