KCEDA Opposes Measure 18-112

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Klamath Falls, Ore. - The Klamath County Economic Development Association (KCEDA) recently held a board of directors meeting to discuss upcoming Ballot Measure 18-112, where at the meeting, many local employers that serve on the board would examine the economic benefits and dangers of legalizing the commercialization of marijuana within the city limits of Klamath Falls. Part of the meeting was designated to take a vote on whether to approve a proposed resolution that was introduced prior to the meeting and prepared by a small group of KCEDA board members. 

If approved, this resolution would have the KCEDA board publicly take a position opposing the operation of marijuana processing sites, retail marijuana producers, retail marijuana processors, retail marijuana wholesalers, and/or retail marijuana retailers.

The results of this vote indicated a large majority approved the proposed resolution, having KCEDA therefore formally take a position in opposition of Measure 18-112.

Within the approved resolution, the board factored in a multitude of considerations as to why they believe Measure 18-112 can negatively impact Klamath’s economy and future development prospects.

There are multiple factors that influenced KCEDA board member’s recent opposition, where they listed in the resolution, they stated that they believe passage of Measure 18-112 will:

  • Harm education and graduation rates in Klamath County,

  • Negatively impact the Klamath work force by creating a class of potential employees (class comprised of recreational users) who would not be employable at any drug-free workplace,

  • Increase emergency room visits and increase health care costs,

  • Make Klamath County a less desirable, and a less competitive, location for attracting new businesses to locate in Klamath County and in the City of Klamath Falls,

  • Harm families and quality of life for Klamath residents.

About the Klamath County Economic Development Association (KCEDA)
Since 1975, KCEDA has reflected the best of private enterprise, responsibility and dedication. Its mission is to provide tailored recruitment, retention/expansion programs, new opportunities for jobs, and a dynamic climate that spurs economic development in southern Oregon. To learn more about KCEDA and how they can help you, please visit their websites, ChooseKlamath.com

 Press release provided from the Klamath County Economic Development Association.

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