Hustlin’ Owls Drop Two at Antelope Valley


LANCASTER, Calif. -  Antelope Valley (7-4) swept a double-header from Oregon Tech (7-9) Sunday at The Hanger as the Pioneers took game one 5-2, and game two 11-3.
Game 1, Antelope Valley 5 Oregon Tech 2
The Pioneers broke open a 1-1 game with four-runs in the third inning and got great pitching to secure the 5-2 win.
Tech's John Schulz pitched the first 4-innings giving up 5-runs and 6-hits for the Owls as he picked-up the loss.
Tech was led by Josh Kallstrom with 2-hits including his fourth homer of the year.
Game 2, Antelope Valley 11 Oregon Tech 3 (7-innings) 
The Pioneers scored 8-runs in the bottom of the third inning to break-up a 1-1 game as they pounded out 11-runs on 11-hits, helped by four Owl errors.
Tech's Blake Wrotenbery had half of the Hooter hits as he was 4-for-4 with 2-RBI ln the loss.
Tech starter Logan Housen only lasted two and a third innings giving up 9-runs (6-earned) on 7-hits as slipped to 1-1 on the year.
The Owls will look to rebound as they travel to Oakland, Calif. To play Holy Names University (0-3) next Saturday and Sunday.

Press release from Oregon Tech Sports Information,  Mike Garrard - Director of Sports Information and Marketing.

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