Henley Hornets give back

Henley Hornet football players clean Richmond Little League Park in Klamath Falls. Submitted photo

Henley Hornet football players clean Richmond Little League Park in Klamath Falls. Submitted photo

Hornets repair a chain link fence at Richmond Park. Submitted photo

Hornets repair a chain link fence at Richmond Park. Submitted photo

Coach Alex Stork and his Henley Hornets football teams of Freshmen, Junior Varsity and Varsity players volunteered time to clean up at the 5-acre Richmond Little League Park in Mills Addition this morning.

Coach Stork makes the Service Project an annual give-back to the community.

"Being a Hornet isn't just about playing a football game, it's about being part of something bigger than us and we are committed to serving others," said Coach Stork.

Henley Senior John Tacchinni is excited about the leadership on the Hornet football team and their involvement. He said, "it's good to get out in the community because - better humans make better Hornets."

Tacchinni plans on applying for the Coast Guard Academy and has played for the Hornets all through high school.

The project consisted of mowing the overgrown ball fields and walking trail Plus repairing the fencing around the park and painting over graffiti.

Todays project is thanks to the combined efforts of Dawn Albright with the Mills Neighborhood Association, Brittany Johansen with Klamath Works, and City Parks Manager John Bellon.

Additional photos can be viewed here.