Governor Kate Brown issues Executive Order 20-05, outlines rules for large gatherings

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PORTLAND, Ore. - Governor Kate Brown today set new rules to slow the spread of COVID-19 in Oregon. She issued Executive Order 20-05 which outlines rules addressing large gatherings and social distancing. Governor Brown also issued guidelines for workplaces, schools, care facilities, and other community-wide mitigation efforts to help protect vulnerable and high-risk Oregonians and to protect our state’s health care system capacity.

Executive Order 20-05 (click to download)

Executive Order 20-05 (click to download)

The measures are based on the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Oregon public health experts, epidemiologists, and health professionals.

“We are now in an unprecedented public health crisis, a rapidly-evolving global pandemic. Most of us have never experienced anything like this,” said Governor Brown. “What is clear is that we must take immediate action to stem the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, and act now to protect those who are most vulnerable. We know that these efforts to fight coronavirus will have an impact on our daily lives, our livelihoods, and Oregon’s economy. But this disease does not discriminate. We are all facing this together, and these steps can save lives.”

Governor Brown announced the orders in a press release last night and addressed the press this morning. Her remarks are available here, and more information on the new guidance is available here.

Governor Brown submitted an updated request to Vice President Pence yesterday outlining Oregon’s urgent needs from the federal government to support coronavirus response efforts in Oregon, as well as anticipated needs moving forward. This morning, federal agencies communicated that they are working to fulfill Oregon's requests.

Additional resources and guidance are available on the COVID-19 websites of the Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Department of Education, and the Department of Human Services.

Source: The office of Kate Brown, Governor of Oregon.