Governor Brown plans to close multiple State Prisons, disregards public safety

Image: Warner Creek Correctional Facility, Facebook

Image: Warner Creek Correctional Facility, Facebook

Fred Girod, Senate Republican Leader (R-Lyons)

Fred Girod, Senate Republican Leader (R-Lyons)

Press release by the Oregon Senate Republicans

SALEM, Ore. – Governor Kate Brown publicized her intentions to close three state corrections facilities, two in rural Oregon [including the Warner Creek Correctional Facility], at her budget press conference yesterday.

Senate Republican Leader Fred Girod (R-Lyons) issued the following statement:

“I am deeply concerned for Oregonians’ public safety with Governor Brown’s decision to close three state prisons yesterday. There is a potential for an increase in crime, especially when there are no details on who is being released or relocated.

“Before the Legislature does anything, Governor Brown must share the plan of where inmates will go, who will be released and how law enforcement, vendor and support staff jobs will be protected.

“Two of the prisons are in rural Oregon communities already under significant stress due to the COVID-19 lockdowns, and the years of neglect as the Portland area has been given priority.

“Governor Brown’s decision to close multiple corrections facilities, along with the early release of inmates this year, and the 2019 bill that narrowed the use of the death penalty, are examples of the disturbing trend that she does not value Oregonians’ public safety and is determined to undermine the Oregon criminal justice system to earn political points.”

Mill Creek Correctional Facility in Salem is slated to be the first closure in July 2021 with Shutter Creek Correctional Institution in North Bend next, and Warner Creek Correctional Facility in Lakeview to follow.