Costello Encourages Community Members to Take Action on Eternal Hills

File Photo (Brian Gailey)

File Photo (Brian Gailey)

Oregon State Seal.png

In a memo addressed to Community Members, Klamath County District Attorney, Eve Costello encourages affected community members to take action with Eternal Hills Cemetery.


 Friday, April 20, 2018

Dear Community Members,

As the Eternal Hills Cemetery issues have again dominated the headlines, I wanted to share information and encourage affected community members to take action.   Judge Renn ruled yesterday, Thursday, April 19, 2018, that there will no longer be a claims bar date at this point and time.  One will be imposed later, but if any of you were concerned you had not filed and should have now is the time to register those complaints.

As a reminder, the case is in the United States Bankruptcy Court, District of Oregon, under Case No. 17-62784-tmr7. 


(a) File a proof of claim at Select Proof of Claim (ePOC) and follow the steps to create and electronically file a proof of claim on the required form. No login/password is required.

(b) If you have already filed a claim in this case, do not file it again.

(c) If you do not have internet access, please call the court at 503−326−1500 or 541−431−4000 to request a claim form.

If you have questions about what you purchased, you should call the OMCB, which has what it believes to be all of the paper records of Eternal Hills. Brenda Biggs is the contact person there. Her direct line is 971-673-1505.  As always, if you have questions you should seek the advice of legal counsel.

Eve Costello
Klamath County District Attorney