Community Gathers to Celebrate Birds [Photo Story]

A child smears peanut butter on a pine cone before rolling in bird seed to create a backyard DIY bird feeder at the 19th Annual World Migratory Bird Event at Veterans Park. May 12, 2018. (Brian Gailey)

A child smears peanut butter on a pine cone before rolling in bird seed to create a backyard DIY bird feeder at the 19th Annual World Migratory Bird Event at Veterans Park. May 12, 2018. (Brian Gailey)


The 19th Annual Migratory Bird Day was celebrated at Veterans Park on Saturday. Hundreds came out to celebrate the migratory birds that use the Pacific Flyway.

About a dozen booths were setup to demonstrate and teach different characteristics of Migratory Birds and their habitat. Eventgoers were able to get their hands dirty by building birdhouses and bird nest supply caches, as well as building peanut butter bird feeders and a variety of outdoor skills.

An eventgoer snaps a pic of Dexter, a Turkey Vulture. One of Badger Run Wildlife Rehab's bird ambassadors. May 12, 2018. (Brian Gailey)

Badger Run Wildlife Rehab was present again this year hosting one of the most popular booths year after year.  The volunteers shown several species of birds they use for educating and teaching – Ewok a Barn Owl, Dexter a turkey vulture, and Maya a Swainson’s Hawk.

Other activities that were on site included:

  • Klamath Wing Watchers, Bird sound ID and sit in an Eagle nest
  • Klamath Outdoor Science School, dissect owl pellets
  • Klamath Ranger District, bird masks
  • OSU Master Beekeepers, Honey Bee education
  • Klamath County Library, painting bird wings
  • Klamath Basin Audubon Society, threats to birds game
  • Lava Beds National Monument, bird feeders
  • Klamath Lake Land Trust, pine cone bird feeders
  • Klamath Rocks – rock painting
  • Among others

Besides the hands-on entertainment, guests were treated to live music played by: Bonnie Hay and Mike Campbell, Tommy Franks, Bill Palmer, Bob Pickle and the Thrown Together Band.

More information and about the Klamath World Migratory Bird Day can be found on their Facebook page at

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