Commentary: Thanksgiving Message from Sheriff Kaber

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Commentary by,
Chris Kaber, Klamath County Sheriff

During the upcoming Holiday Season, the Klamath County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the citizens of Klamath County for their efforts this year in helping us keep the county as safe as possible. The year 2020 has proved difficult to navigate with many surprises, abrupt changes, and tragedies along the way. From the onset of a world-wide pandemic to the fires experienced throughout the dry summer, citizens, volunteers, public safety professionals, and health workers have had to display courage, flexibility, graciousness, and resiliency throughout this year. All should be commended for these efforts.

Please remember to adjust your driving habits to fit the changing weather as we enter the winter season and of course, do not drink and drive. Deputies will be working extended hours funded by traffic safety grants to provide for public safety and enforcement efforts during the heaviest travel days and nights.

Please continue with personal and community-wide efforts to help reduce the effects of the pandemic on our local citizens and families by following the recommendations of our Public Health Department. Information on these guidelines can be located at: This is what we at the Sheriff’s Office have been doing and encourage each person to make an informed decision on their response to these guidelines.

Law enforcement recognizes this is historically a challenging time of year for many people. With the added restrictions and health concerns, this year will likely be no different. Please join us in encouraging peace within or communities; to build each other up and avoid seeking ways to divide ourselves.

Please respect the emergency services professionals working through the holiday by not abusing the 911 system or emergency responders with unnecessary calls. Please utilize the 911 system for emergency situations only which will help our public safety partners provide service at a level necessary to keep Klamath County, and the cities within its borders, as safe as possible.

Thank you,
Sheriff Chris Kaber – Klamath County Sheriff

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