Comment Writing Workshop to be held at Klamath Tribal Office


In a email sent to Klamath Falls News, the Klamath Tribes announced that Rogue Climate will be at Tribal Headquarters to hold a writing workshop as well as a rally . Details of that workshop are below.

Chiloquin: No LNG Comment Writing Workshop

Join the Rogue Climate and the campaign to stop the proposed Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline and Jordan Cove LNG export terminal to write comments to help stop the project.

WHEN: Friday, August 10 11:00am-3:00pm 

WHERE: Klamath Tribal Office (501 Chiloquin Bvld) - Chiloquin, Oregon

WHAT: In May, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the US Army Corps opened a public comment period for a critical permit that, if denied, could stop the proposed Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline.

Oregon DEQ is responsible for deciding whether this massive fracked gas pipeline and export terminal would negatively impact water quality. Federal regulators cannot approve Jordan Cove LNG or the Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline if the Oregon DEQ decides that the project does not comply with state water quality standards. Fracked gas pipelines in Oregon, Maryland, and New York were stopped because state agencies denied this permit. Already, over 17,000 people from across Oregon, northern California, and Washington have submitted comments opposing the project, which is the most comments DEQ has seen for a project like this. Until August 20, it’s up to all of us to submit comments that demonstrate that the impacts of this project would be far too devastating for the health and safety of our communities, clean water, and the local economy.

RSVP on facebook here!

Rally: Demand DEQ Denies Pipeline Permits

Join community members on Thursday, August 16 from 11am-12pm at the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) office in Medford for a rally and delivery of over 17,000 public comments demanding DEQ denies clean water act permits and puts to rest the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline.

WHEN: Thursday, August 16, 11:00 am-12:00 pm

WHERE: Medford DEQ office (221 Stewart Ave)

RSVP here and check out the event on facebook here!

Information provided from Rogue Climate and the Klamath Tribes.